Steak… with benefits

Dear Martini

It’s a universal truth that all cooks have to know how to properly sear a steak.  And yet only a few well-trained cooks know that properly searing a steak pays off dividends in the end.  Our preferred cut of steak is the New York; also known as the strip steak, the club steak or the  Kansas City, this particular cut of steak is flavorful and tender so there is no need to marinate.   The dividend?  When pan searing steaks, you can use the pan drippings to make a quick sauce.  In the time it takes for the steaks to rest, you can make a delicious light pan sauce.  It’s a benefit you should really take advantage and try.

Pan-Seared New York Steak with Red-Wine Pan Sauce

Serves 4

2 (10-ounce) New York strip steaks, cut 1-½ inches thick
Kosher salt and finely ground black pepper
1-½ tablespoons clarified butter

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2 Responses to Steak… with benefits

  1. says:

    This is beautifully done (YES, I know that was a pun). Question. I use olive oil instead of CB, is that wrong? I like the aroma.

    • Hey Bettie! Thanks for the nice comment about our video! Glad you liked it. Olive oil would be fine, but just use a lower temperature, and please make sure you’re using olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is less refined than olive oil, and will burn and go nasty before you’re steak is ready to be flipped. :D

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